Our Clients
Our Clients vary from well-established businesses and SMEs within the Sub-Saharan Region looking for expansion and increase business profits or foreign companies which are looking to penetrate the Sub-Saharan African market. We assist governments in Sub-Saharan Africa in developing policies and strategies to create an enabling business environment to attract investments.
Case Study
In Rwanda apart from assisting local companies involved in innovation and creativity; in the period of (2015-2016), under Rwanda Development Board (RDB), the company has implemented the project to develop policies and standards of intellectual property that will improve the operation of the Registrar General’s office in line with the requirements of international intellectual property agreements, strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; build the capacity of the collective management society; design strategy and plan to strengthen the creative industry and foster the use of intellectual property in promoting innovation and promoting economic development.
The scope of the project was defined as to:
Analyse the existing tools for Intellectual Property registration (application forms) and propose new formats in accordance with the IP law, different treaties, the automation system and international best practice.
Design a clear legal process in accordance with international best practices, treaties laws, and regulations for each type of intellectual property, including: requirements, times period, ethic, archiving system, stakeholder’s relationship etc.
Develop regulations governing industrial property agents in accordance with the intellectual property law and international best practice.
Identify and develop international standards measures to be used by the collective management society in accordance with the law.
Develop the IP enforcement guidelines with a clear intervention of all stakeholders in IP protection, their power and mandates in accordance with the Intellectual Property law and policy.
Identify and develop measures to ensure a better used of the arbitration or mediation mechanism provided by the law. The measures have to incorporate the format, procedure and rules for the arbitration process.
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